How to Get Rid of Those Pesky Under-Eye Bags

We’ve all experienced this. You wake up in the morning to experience puffy under-eye bags after having a salty meal or drinking alcohol. That puffiness from food or drinks generally tends to decrease as our body processes the food and alcohol. As we age, muscle weakens and under-eye skin loses elasticity. This can cause our natural eye fat pads to protrude creating some areas of puffiness and other areas of hollowing. People have tried eye cream containing caffeine and ice packs to help with swelling. Concealer can be useful for covering up darker pigmentation under the eyes and prominent blood vessels.

What can we do if these over the counter remedies are no longer effective and we are finding that the under-eye bags don’t improve, and are worsening?

Some patients may be good candidates for under-eye filler, known as filler to the “tear trough,” and some may be candidates for blepharoplasty surgery.

What is “tear trough” filler?

A dermal filler, such as a hyaluronic acid based filler can be injected into the under eye area, known as the tear trough. This can help even out the “hill and valley” the protruding fat pads have created providing a natural looking contour. This is an in-office procedures that takes about 35 minutes. (20 minutes of topical numbing cream and about 15 minutes of injectable treatment time). If the bags are very large or prominent, complete correction with filler cannot be achieved and surgery may be recommended.

What is blepharoplasty surgery?

Blepharoplasty is surgery to the skin, muscle and fat bags (in any combination) of the upper and/or lower eyelids. As we age, our eyelid skin and muscle weakens, resulting in sagging skin or fat gathering above or below the eyelids, which can effect vision in extreme cases. More commonly, excess skin and fat is excised for aesthetic purposes to help people look less tired. This surgery can be combined with a facelift, browlift, skin resurfacing procedure, and many other procedures as well. A board-certified facial or oculo-plastic surgeon can help determine your candidacy for this procedure.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Zimm, double board certified facial plastic surgeon, please contact the office at (646) 453-6110 or email

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